2 flavors | Go&Start


(£0.56 / day)
Improve your performance and muscle recovery
Each bottle contains  60 Doses  for  2 Months
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Allergen free


Nutritional supplement based on Creavitalis® creatine monohydrate - a high purity, ultrafiltered and micronized creatine -, magnesium malate and magnesium bisglycinate of Albion® quality. This supplement can help improve physical performance, as well as contribute to the normal functioning of muscles and bones and electrolyte balance.

Product Information

Food supplement based on creatine and magnesium.

Ingredients NEUTRAL (per 5g) WATERMELON (per 5g) *VRN
Creavitalis® (Creatine monohydrate)
3000 mg 3000 mg -
200.01 mg 200.01 mg 53.3%

*NRV: Nutrient Reference Values

INGREDIENTS: Creavitalis ® (creatine monohydrate), magnesium malate, magnesium bisglycinate, acidity regulator (sodium bicarbonate) and natural flavors.

Creavitalis® is a registered trademark of Alzchem Group.

*Creatine improves physical performance in successive bouts of short, high-intensity exercise. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of creatine. *Magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance. Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Magnesium helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of muscles.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Dissolve 5g in 250ml of water.


Content:60 doses (2 months of use)

Net amount:300 g.

Instructions for use: Dissolve 1 level scoop of 5g in 250 ml of water, vegetable drink, milk or any liquid other than tea and coffee, once a day at any time of the day. On an empty stomach or on a full stomach. Neutral or watermelon flavor.

Recommended daily dose:5g (1 level scoop).

Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of young children. Product for use in adults. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Other warnings:

  • People with allergies to any of the components

If in doubt, consult your healthcare professional.



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Choose your flavor:

Intended to

Anyone who wants to benefit from improved physical performance and optimized muscle and bone health.

How Each Ingredient Works

Your Improvement process

  • First month

    Increase in energy and improvement of muscular endurance.

  • Three months

    Significant improvement in muscle strength and reduction of fatigue, along with faster recovery after intense exercise, taking advantage of the synergy between creatine and magnesium.

we recommend combining them

  • Vitamin D3+K2

    Bone and muscle health
    From £16.14

    Combine CreaMag with vitamin D3K2 to support bone and muscle health.

    Add to cart
  • Vegan Omega 3+

    Essential for the heart, vision and brain

    The combination of CreaMag with Vegan Omega 3+ enhances muscle recovery and anti-inflammatory balance.

  • VitalNatal Man

    Multivitamin and mineral specific for men

    CreaMag and VitalNatal Man offer complete support for energy, muscle health and general well-being, covering the specific needs of the active man.

Frequently asked questions about CREAMAG

Discover the most frequently asked questions about this product. If you still have any questions, please contact us!

If I am already taking Magnesium, can I take CREAMAG?

Total Magnesium provides 50% of the daily requirements and CREAMAG the other 50%. If you are fine with 50% (because you consume foods rich in magnesium) you can replace Total Magnesium and take CREAMAG. But if you want to continue with both, the dose is safe and you can take magnesium and creatine in different doses. Especially to avoid gastric discomfort.

Are there any renal concerns about creatine?
  • For people with healthy kidneys, there is no reason to worry about taking creatine.
  • For people with only one kidney, current evidence suggests there is no cause for concern.
  • For most people with already damaged kidneys, current evidence also suggests there is no cause for concern.

At this time, the only side effectCreatine theory is related to the combination of kidney problems and water retention, in particular focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), as assessed in one case study. Although typically case studies linking creatine to kidney damage are fairly weak in design (people reporting using “sports supplements” and having kidney damage, but with no clear connection to creatine).

Pritchard NR, Kalra PA. Renal dysfunction accompanying oral creatine supplements. Lancet. 1998;351(9111):1252-1253. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(05)79319-3

Can women take creatine?

What Creatine Does for Women. There is a common misconception that creatine is only for men looking to build bulky muscles. As a result, many people believe that creatine for women is a bad idea unless they want to look like a professional bodybuilder. These assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth. Creatine is a standout supplement for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness, with benefits especially relevant to women.

The benefits of creatine for women are similar to those for men: it helps you gain muscle and strength faster, improves anaerobic resistance, improves muscle recovery and increases performance in intense exercises.. Basically, it's a total win for women who exercise. Plus, some research suggests that women who supplement with creatine tend to seegreater relative improvements than men in these areas. Where men typically experience an improvement of around 5%, women enjoy an increase of around 15%,which highlights how effective creatine is for women.

Should I take creatine on an empty stomach?

Some health and fitness “authorities” recommend taking creatine on an empty stomach to “speed up its absorption” and help you get its benefits sooner. However, research tells a different story. While it’s okay to take creatine without food, studies show that consuming it with carbohydrates can increase its absorption.This is because the insulin your body releases after eating carbohydrates helps transport creatine more efficiently into your muscle cells.

Critically, this is only beneficial in the first few weeks of creatine supplementation. Taking creatine with carbohydrates during this period helps to “saturate” your muscles with creatine more quickly, so you’ll experience its benefits sooner. For long-term creatine users, the situation changes. After the first few weeks of consistent use, your muscles reach “peak creatine levels” and how or when you take it becomes less important. At this point, the key is to consistently take a daily maintenance dose to maintain your creatine levels.

What happens when you stop taking creatine?

Creatine stores in your muscles will gradually deplete, causing a decline in your athletic performance. However, this does not happen overnight.As long as your muscles are fully saturated when you stop taking creatine, you can expect to maintain about 80% of your creatine stores for up to 2 weeks,andIt will take about a month of not taking creatine for your levels to return to their "baseline."

Long-term effects of creatine

In a placebo-controlled study, participants were randomly assigned toreceive 10 g daily of creatine monohydrate or a placebo for an average period of 310 days.The study showed that there were no differences in the appearance of non-sedative effects between the group supplemented with 10 g of creatine vs. the placebo group. In addition, after taking 10 g of creatine for 310 consecutive days, no differences were detected in the levels of urea in blood or albumin in urine.

Groeneveld GJ, Beijer C, Veldink JH, Kalmijn S, Wokke JH, van den Berg LH. Few adverse effects of long-term creatine supplementation in a placebo-controlled trial.Int J Sports Med. 2005;26(4):307-313. doi:10.1055/s-2004-817917

Opinions of our clients

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Esther (Madrid, ES)
My muscle tone has improved

I've been taking it for two months and I've noticed muscle improvement, but I've also gained two kilos. I hope that will disappear over time.


We have tried the watermelon one and it is very well done. Plus it dissolves more easily than the one I had without magnesium.

Esther S. (Madrid, ES)
I love

The watermelon flavor is great, I had tried other brands. And in the end you get tired of the flavor. This one is mild and easier to tolerate.

Anonymous (Palma, ES)

I was taking a good quality creatine and total magnesium at night but I was not able to notice that muscle relaxation or sleep well.
Since I started taking Creamag I have been sleeping through the night, and the magnesium dissolved in it probably works faster and better. The only thing I would change is the taste of the neutral one, since it is very salty and I have to mix it with other sweet drinks to be able to take it.
Thank you so much

Macarena S. (Miami, US)
Wonderful Creatine

I have been training for a long time and this creatine with magnesium, a combination I had never seen before, is simply brutal. I recover phenomenally and I am starting to see very positive results in the muscular aspect as well and I have only been taking it for two weeks!

Thanks IVB

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