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Is it good to take vitamins? Find out if you need vitamin supplements

Learn how to determine if it is necessary to take vitamin supplements to improve your health and quality of life. We help you resolve your doubts.

Before starting a treatment with vitamins or other supplements you have to ask yourself a series of questions that will confirm (or not) if supplementation is for you.

Identify the factors that affect your quality of life

First of all, what decreases your quality of life? what do you want to improve? What symptom prevents you from living fully? What limits you the most and is an obstacle to being the person you want? Have you noticed a deficiency of any vitamin in your latest blood tests?

The answers can be very varied: “I am very tired” “the period prevents me from living my life” “I feel a lot of pain” “I cannot concentrate” “I am stressed and unmotivated” “the values ​​in my tests have not been good”

Take note of your answers. It is very important to recognize this point.

Record what you are already doing to improve

The second question is, can you solve it with a healthy diet and sports? If you think that you have already taken control of your diet, you eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and you lead an active life but the problem persists, then we have to continue looking for the solution.

A balanced diet and sport are two fundamental pillars for your health and are neither negotiable nor replaceable.

Supplementation as a necessity

You already know what you want to improve in your life and that you have done everything in your power to resolve this obstacle but you recognize that you need extra help. It is from here that we go to the third question: Is there adequate supplementation? What vitamins and micronutrients can help you improve?

is it good to take vitamins

Is there adequate supplementation?

A suitable supplement is one that is specially designed to help you with a specific problem, that its ingredients are natural, that the quantity and quality correspond to what your body needs and that the entire formulation is backed by scientific evidence and a professional. Of the health.

Here begins the wonderful path of “knowing more, to fear less and choose better.” Knowledge empowers you. It makes you responsible for your health and allows you to make the best decision for you. Once you find the supplements that meet your requirements for excellence, that are intended to give you that solution you are looking for... you are closer to starting to give yourself the care you need.

Commitment to your treatment

The next and final question is key: Can I commit to continuing the treatment for at least the next 3 months? Can I afford that investment in my health? If the answer is yes and you are committed to your health and well-being, you are ready. And we would be very excited to accompany you on this journey.

Taking care of yourself is loving you. Taking care of yourself is IVB.



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