Agreement with the Catholic University of Valencia
Our passion for science and innovation has led us to sign a collaboration agreement with the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV). This agreement marks an important milestone in our commitment to develop supplements backed by the best scientific evidence available. We are close to starting a clinical trial aimed at exploring the benefits of our SatiSens supplement, reinforcing our vision of a future where science and well-being are integrated to improve people's quality of life.
Análisis científicos
En IVB, trabajamos para que nuestros productos estén respaldados por metaanálisis y ensayos clínicos, garantizando su eficacia y seguridad. Recientemente, la prestigiosa revista Nutrition Reviews ha publicado un metaanálisis sobre el PEA liderado por nuestra Directora Médico-Científica, la Dra. Isabel Viñas Bas, en colaboración con Miguel López-Moreno de la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Este estudio demostró que la palmitoiletanolamida (PEA) reduce significativamente el dolor en 4 a 8 semanas, mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Nos enorgullece conectar este conocimiento con el desarrollo de nuestro ZeroDol, un complemento con una alta concentración de PEA, diseñado para tratar diferentes tipos de dolor (nociceptivo, neuropático y nociplástico).
Get to know in depth the ingredients we use: their origin, traceability, benefits and the science that supports their effectiveness. Transparency and quality are our priority in each formula, because we believe in offering you the best for your well-being.
Explore our articles section and discover up-to-date information on nutrition, health and wellness. Here we share practical tips, trends and the latest scientific developments to help you make informed decisions.

Our commitment goes beyond the formulation of innovative, safe and science-backed supplements. We also want to accompany and advise you to make informed decisions that generate a positive impact on your health. The experience and dedication of our team allow us to offer you effective solutions to improve your well-being and quality of life.