Essential line | 2 sizes

Total Magnesium

(€0,73 / day)
Muscle, psychological, bone health and normal protein synthesis
Each bottle contains  60 Pills  for  1 Month
Receive it in 24/48 hours . More info Más info
Allergen free


Total Magnesium is a unique combination of two highly bioavailable types of magnesium: magnesium bisglycinate and magnesium malate. With the guaranteed quality of Albion®, this supplement allows you to take advantage of the multiple functions of magnesium in the body without the gastrointestinal adverse effects typical of other forms of magnesium.

Product Information

Magnesium-based dietary supplement.

Ingredients 2 Capsules *VRN
Magnesium 215 mg 57.33%

*NRV: Nutrient Reference Values

INGREDIENTS: magnesium malate, magnesium bisglycinate, bulking agent (microcrystalline cellulose), capsule* [glazing agent (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), color (calcium carbonate)], anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids).

*Capsule components

Content: 60 capsules. (1 month of use)

How to take the supplement?– take 2 capsules a day with water and food. If you have difficulty swallowing, open capsules and dissolve in liquids or food.

When?– one a day and one at night or two at night, preferably on a full stomach. There is no maximum taking time.

Recommendation– Do not take it in the same intake as iron and zinc.

Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of young children.

It is important to follow a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Other warnings:

  • People with allergies to any of the components

If in doubt, consult your healthcare professional.



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2.- En función del importe total de tu pedido y de la zona en que te encuentres, los gastos de envío serán los que se resumen en la siguiente tabla.


0 A 30€

































* Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Croacia, Dinamarca, Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Portugal, República Checa y Suecia (para otros países contactar)


0 A 35$






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En caso de error en los envíos, siguiendo los consejos de las autoridades con motivo de la situación coyuntural dada por la pandemia, el cliente elegirá la opción que mayor le convenga:

1.- Un abono del importe del producto en la misma cuenta en la que hizo su pedido, aplicando los descuentos en caso de que así se haya procedido.

2.- Una reposición el artículo en la próxima expedición junto con un detalle por la incidencia. Cuando realices el nuevo pedido, deberás informarnos de la incidencia anterior mediante los canales de comunicación de que disponemos.

3.- En caso de que el producto/s enviado/s erróneos supere/n los 10 euros, se procederá a un envío con retorno.

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En caso de querer devolver un producto/s, ten en cuenta:

Si el producto que quieres devolver ha sido adquirido a través de una campaña promocional, se reembolsará el importe correspondiente que el producto tenía durante la promoción, no su precio original. Todos los artículos deberán estar intactos, sin desprecintar, y en perfectas condiciones.

No aceptaremos devoluciones de productos ya abiertos, dañados (independientemente de si ha sido mal protegido por el cliente o por malas praxis del transportista) o sin su embalaje original.


Los reembolsos se procederán siguiendo los puntos del apartado anterior, nunca superando los 15 días desde la recepción de la mercancía en nuestros almacenes.

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Si lo prefieres, podrás optar por canjear el importe en un cupón descuento para tu próxima compra.


Rechazar el pedido en el acto de entrega o la imposibilidad de concertar la recogida por razones no atribuibles a IVB WELLNESS o al servicio de mensajería, implicará la pérdida de los costes inherentes a la compra, a saber: costes de envío (y los mismos costes de devolución) y coste del embalaje de transporte y coste de posibles roturas en el transporte.

El transportista hará dos intentos de entrega en la dirección indicada como “Dirección de entrega”. En caso de que no pueda ser entregado, el pedido quedará estacionado durante 15 días en la oficina de ‘Dirección de entrega’ más cercana, indicada en el seguimiento de las notificaciones que recibas por nuestra parte y/o por parte de nuestros partners logísticos por correo electrónico y/o por SMS. Si transcurrido ese tiempo no se retira el pedido, éste será devuelto a nuestras instalaciones actuando según las cláusulas estipuladas en el párrafo anterior.

Total Magnesium

Intended to

Anyone who wants to optimize their daily magnesium intake.

What is magnesium for?

Your Improvement process

  • First 2 Weeks

    You will notice a significant reduction in tiredness and fatigue, along with improved nervous system function and increased mental clarity.

  • 4 weeks

    You will experience optimal muscle function, proper protein synthesis and improved psychological function, helping to reduce stress and improve mood.

  • Later months

    You will maintain normal bones and teeth, enjoy better overall balance, increased energy, better quality of sleep and sustained stress reduction.

Our community's experience

  • "El magnesio me está salvando! Hago mucho deporte y desde que lo tomo apenas tengo fatiga muscular! "
  • "Empecé a despertarme todas las noches y sufrir insomnio. Gracias al magnesio estoy durmiendo de maravilla. Realmente sorprendida! "
  • "Me encanta vuestro magnesio, es el único que me sienta bien al estómago y me hace descansar. Gracias!"
  • "Llevo tomándolo 4 meses, además de dormir mejor, entreno cada día y recupero muchísimo mejor y sin calambres 💪"
  • "El magnesio es mi indispensable, no puedo pasar un día sin él, el poder dormir es maravilloso 👏"

we recommend combining them

  • Vitamin D3+K2

    Bone and muscle health
    From €18,90

    If, in addition to improving your rest and muscle recovery, you want to strengthen your bones and your immune system.

    Add to cart
  • SomniLove

    Rest and sleep peacefully

    To help you fall asleep and get deeper, restful sleep.

    Add to cart

Frequently asked questions about Total Magnesium

Discover the most frequently asked questions about this product. If you still have any questions, please contact us!

Does our magnesium cause diarrhea or is it good for constipation?

Our Total Magnesium does not cause diarrhea and therefore is not useful for relieving constipation. Precisely, both magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide are NOT absorbed (you lose the benefits of supplementing with magnesium since you take it, but it does not reach the blood and therefore does not reach your cells) and stay in your intestinal lumen, irritating the entire intestinal mucosa and attracting water from inside your body to the intestinal lumen. All of this ultimately causes your intestines to move because what they want is to eliminate that irritating magnesium and by capturing water, it also makes the stool more watery and liquid. So if you take it for this purpose, total magnesium is not useful because Isabel has formulated it precisely so that it is absorbed and therefore you have the maximum benefits to optimize your magnesium levels.

When to take magnesium?

Total Magnesium should be taken 2 capsules a day, preferably with food. The 2 capsules can be taken together or separately throughout the day. If you take them 45 minutes before going to sleep (the 2 capsules) it can help you sleep better, because it naturally helps promote the natural production of GABA, a relaxing neurotransmitter (it does not make you sleep but it relaxes you).

Do I have to stop taking Magnesio Total if I have started taking CREAMAG?

Total Magnesium provides 50% of the daily requirements and CreaMag the other 50%. If you are fine with 50% (because you consume foods rich in magnesium) you can replace Total Magnesium and take CreaMag. But if you want to continue with both, the dose is safe and you can take magnesium and creatine in different doses. Especially to avoid gastric discomfort.

Opinions of our clients

Customer Reviews

Based on 201 reviews
Ana (Benidorm, ES)

Excellent. And I recommend following Isabel on social media. Very educational. In the podcasts a 10

Maria CSG (Badajoz, ES)

I've been taking it for several months and I sleep much better 👍

Anonymous (Madrid, ES)
Total improvement

I rest better and I notice improvement in my muscles, less fatigue and more elasticity.

Maria DCHM (Illescas, ES)
Without any complaints

The service is very good, it arrives super fast and well
As for the supplement, I started taking magnesium and omega 3 a month ago.
I'm not really feeling it when it comes to sleeping at the moment.
I feel less tired
But it may still be too early to notice the effects.
Thank you so much

M. (Madrid, ES)
Without any complaints

The order arrived very quickly, super good service in that sense.

Regarding the supplement, this is the second time I have bought it. I started taking it at the same time as I was making changes to my habits to make them healthier, and I do believe that the supplement has contributed to that change. I take it before going to sleep, and I do notice that I sleep better, for example.

In addition, this brand gives me a confidence that many others don't, honestly. They don't have that excess of advertising that overwhelms you, and for each supplement they explain its scientific basis and its composition.

It's not the only thing I buy from this brand and the truth is that I'm happy.

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